Canada is a country blessed with an abundance of bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. From the majestic Bald Eagle to the tiny Chickadee, there are plenty of birds to look for. Their likelihood of being seen will vary depending on the season. In this article, we will explore popular bird wildlife to look for when you visit Canada this summer.
Common Loon
Also known as the great northern diver, the Common Loon is an iconic symbol in Canada and is featured on the one-dollar coin. The unique aquatic bird is found throughout the country’s serene lakes and canals. It has a sleek and streamlined body with webbed feet and dense feathers for better insulation in cold water. Common Loons are popular for their haunting calls and striking black-and-white plumage. They primarily feed on fish and other small aquatic creatures. These birds are expert swimmers and divers and can stay underwater for several minutes.
Common Loons are also fascinating creatures with unique behaviours. They are famous for their elaborate courtship rituals, which can include synchronized swimming and duets of yodelling calls. The birds are also fiercely protective of their nests and young. The Loons dive and swim aggressively to defend themselves from predators.
Great Blue Heron
Another bird to look out for is the Great Blue Heron. It is a truly magnificent bird that inhabits wetlands all across Canada. They are the largest heron in North America, reaching heights of up to 4.5 feet (137 cm) with a wingspan that can extend to 6 feet (183 cm). With their striking bluish-grey plumage, long necks, and sharp, pointed beaks, the birds are excellent hunters, preying on fish, frogs, and other small marine animals.

The heron’s slow and graceful movements when wading through shallow water in search of prey are a sight to behold. As top predators in their habitat, they help to regulate the populations of smaller animals and maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Great Blue Heron are also social birds, and you can often see them nesting in colonies, providing a fascinating opportunity for observation and study.
Peregrine Falcon
A swift and nimble bird that is found in urban areas throughout Canada is the Peregrine Falcon. They are easily recognized by their elongated bodies, pointed wings, and striking dark heads with distinct whisker-like markings.
Peregrine Falcons have incredible speed and agility and can reach speeds of over 300 kilometers when swooping to catch their prey. They have a unique hunting style known as “stooping” where they dive from great heights to catch their prey in mid-air. Moreover, the falcons can locate their prey from a distance of more than four kilometers away thanks to their acute eyesight, which aids in this strategy.
Bald Eagle
One of the most iconic birds in North America, the Bald Eagle has been an important cultural symbol for Indigenous communities in Canada for centuries, representing wisdom and strength. You can find these birds in Canada’s coastal regions, mostly near water. There they feed on fish and small mammals and use tall trees for nesting.

Bald Eagles are identified by their distinctive white head and dark brown bodies. Their wingspan can reach up to 7 feet (213cm). The eagles have sharp, curved beaks and powerful talons. Bald Eagles are a territorial species popular for their long flights without flapping their wings.
In conclusion, Canada is home to a diverse range of bird species. There are plenty of other unique birds to look for in summer when you visit the country. Whether you are a seasoned birdwatcher or a beginner, Canada’s bird-watching will impress you. So, pack your bags and head to Canada to experience the beauty of its soaring wildlife firsthand.